Correction Of Temporomandibular Joints Problem

The TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is a “hinge joint”. The mandible essentially pivots between the open and closed positions from the TMJ. The condyloid process on the back of the mandible articulates with the temporal bone at the mandibular fossa. If the hinge joint has problems, the occlusion and opening and closing of the mouth may be affected.

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) has a substantial influence on the occlusion (bite). Problems with the TMJ may be due to developmental factors, fractures, chronic inflammation or subluxation. Trauma seems to be the most common cause of TMJ problems.

The duration of the TMJ injury heavily influences the prognosis. The best recommendation is to get the diagnosis early. Waiting, watching and hoping for the problem to go away is unlikely to happen. Many TMJ problems get worse with time. It is always best to establish the diagnosis and treatment plan early for optimal results.
If trauma results in a TMJ fracture, TMJ ankylosis may develop. The jaw may lock in a closed position or there may be a limited TMJ range of motion making eating very difficult. Difficulty with eating makes for unhappy and unhealthy chewing pattern for the patient.

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